
PREPARING FOR YOUR VISIT: Many of the Johnson Museum of Art’s exhibits change yearly allowing us to customize your KDT tour. We’re working from a set of five this year to allow for the medallions-they were such a hit and helpful for the kids to anticipate where they’d been and what they had yet to see. But if you have any special needs, please don’t hesitate to ask.  Just let Carol know what you want!

Our Amazing Docents:



The week your class is scheduled to visit the Johnson Museum, Carol will visit to talk about what will happen. She’ll share images of what they’ll see, who they’ll see, and what Museum behavior is appropriate.


Please arrive with name tags to help those less familiar with your students. Photography is allowed in many of the galleries but please, no flash, and when in doubt, it’s always a good idea to ask. We remind those adults coming along to be respectful of the students and not use their cellphones.


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